tirsdag 29. november 2011

It's being windy outside

The storm called Berit has visited the coast, and I like to stay indoor listen to the wind blows round the corner of the house. I was almost taken by the wind when I had my morning walk!

I miss my grand aunt Nøste. We did not often rest side by side on the lap of dadbut it happened occasionally as here shown in this picture!

My favorite place to rest and sleep for the moment is under the old small cabinet that mum never seem to finish decorating. I wonder how many years will pass before I can say: job's ended.
She has more than six blogs to run... there's no more time painting funiture! I wish I could help her.
My tale could be a great paintbrush.

mandag 14. november 2011

Why I'm called Sia

Mum gives lessons in Culture history, and when she had me, the students were learning about Egyptian Mythology. Therefore mum gave me the name of an Egyptian god. Sia was unknown to her then, so she thought it was a female name, a name of a goddess, but it is in fact a male name. A name of a cat in Norway should always have the letter in the name, and mum liked the sound of Sia. That's why I'm sia!

In Egyptian mythology, Saa (more usually Sia) was the deification of perception in the Heliopolitan Ennead cosmogeny and is probably equivalent to the intellectual energies of the heart of Ptah in the Memphite cosmogeny. He also had a connection with writing and was often shown in anthropomorphic form holding a papyrus scroll. This papyrus was thought to embody intellectual achievements.It was said that Atum created the two gods Saa and Hu from his blood spilled while cutting his own penis, a possible reference to circumcision.The god Saa appeared standing on the Solar barge during its journey through the night in New Kingdom underworld texts and tomb decorations, together with Hu, "creative utterance" and Heka (god) the god of magic. These gods were seen as special powers helping the creator and although Heka had his own cult Saa did not.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saa

The Perceptive Mind
Sia as a god personifies the perceptive mind. He was created from blood dripping from the phallus of Re, the sun god. In the Old Kingdom, Sia is visualized at the right side of Re and responsible for carrying the sacred papyrus whose contents embody intellectual achievement. On the walls and ceilings of tombs in the Valley of the Kings, Sia travels in the boat of the sun god. He was the spokesman of the sun god in the Books of the Sky (Heavens) and the herald who stands at the bow of the solar bark in the Book of Gates.

Sia, who was part of a complementary pair consisting of Sia and Hu, is probably equated with the intellectual energies of the heart of Ptah in the Memphite theology, resulting in the creative command of Ptah's tongue. However, it appears that Sia never benefited from a cult in his honor.

Source: http://www.touregypt.net/godsofegypt/

Why s?
Since cats react and respond better to s-sounds than others, experience has shown that such names are well suited for us!

mandag 7. november 2011

Curious about me?

I'm a curious type! Every day is a new adventure.... come on, follow me....